My Life

Yesterday I wandered into a library and found Bill Clinton's book My Life in the fiction shelves.

This isn't the start to some bad political joke.

It is to wonder why on earth someone has decided that "Large Print" is a subgenre of fiction just like "Westerns" or "Mystery".

It would seem to me that there are better ways to organize a library.

But what do I know? My personal library has a first aid kit shelved with everything else non-fiction.


Anonymous said…
While I don't know the value of having "large-print" be a sub-genre to fiction, I do contest your point about library organization. Large print is by definition for those who have difficulty seeing small print. (Or I suppose it could also be for people who want to feel better about how many pages they've tucked away in a day.) So it makes sense to have all the Large Print books together and then perhaps organized into genres or for every genre to have a sub-genre: large print. Otherwise someone who already has a hard time seeing is doing extra work searching for a book that he/she might actually be able to read. I'm sorry,'re insensitive. :)

I have been studying gerontology this semester so I'm feeling especially touchy about services for older adults.
slowlane said…
I understand your point. My problem was just that the ONLY large print section was in the fiction section. So "My Life", a non-fiction book, was in the fiction section just because it was Large Print, and it had fiction books on either side of it.

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